What is rubber and plastic? Is it harmful to the body?


Rubber and plastics is the collective name of the rubber and plastic industries. They are all subsidiary products of petroleum. They are all the same in source, but in the process of making products, their physical properties are different, and their uses are even more different. Rubber is widely used The most important thing is tires. With the demand and application of technology and market, plastics are becoming more and more extensive, and they are inseparable from daily life.
Long-term exposure to rubber and plastic products is very harmful to human health. Many children like to chew this kind of eraser with strong aroma and bright colors in their mouths. Children's resistance is relatively weak, so it is very harmful.
The pollution cost of plastic production is very high, especially for air pollution and emission pollution. The discharged gas and sewage contain very pungent chemical components, and the black smoke generated during the production process is highly toxic.
Rubber and plastics are also divided into two types: natural rubber and plastics and synthetic rubbers and plastics. Synthetic rubbers and plastics also have pollution emissions and are highly toxic; and now the country advocates the use of natural rubbers and plastics for processing, and natural rubbers and plastics are produced with zero pollution and zero emissions. It is in line with the current international issues of low-carbon life, but natural rubber and plastic also have performance differences for the above two types.

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